Organization: Safer Edge
Registration deadline: 24 Sep 2018
Starting date: 08 Oct 2018
Ending date: 12 Oct 2018
HI-HEAT is a 5-day residential, advanced course designed to respond to the shift over the past decade from humanitarian and development workers as neutral and independent during conflict to targets during conflict. This change has meant those working in hostile environments and conflict zones are more likely to experience violence and traumatic events.
Hi-HEAT is not simply a HEAT course taken to 'another level'. It pushes participants both mentally and physically escalating levels of stress and pressure throughout. It contains many of the learning elements of a HEAT course but fully integrates a psycho-social component being taught and overseen by a psychologist throughout. Safer Edge's course was initially developed in cooperation with World Vision to meet their criteria and standards including a 16 hour simulation.
Hi-HEAT is recommended only for individuals who will be visiting high, or extreme, risk locations.
How to register:
Please visit: